Rules & Regulations
Breeding goal Print E-mail

A functionally and harmoniously built usable horse that has the Friesian breed characteristics, is healthy and vital, and has aptitude to perform in sport.

The breeding goal consists of various components that can be subdivided into: 1) exterior and movement, 2) use, and 3) vitality and health. The subcomponents of these components are reflected in the breeding program by selection criteria.
The breeding goal below needs to be seen as the description of the breed characteristics, as described in decree 92/353/EEG, pint 3, part b), second hyphen of the addendum.

General Studbook information Print E-mail

The Koninklijke Vereniging ‘Het Friesch Paarden-Stamboek’ (KFPS) has been registering Friesian horses since 1879. Today, more than 60,000 horses are registered and the studbook has 15,000 members. Outside of the Netherlands, these members are organized into their own national associations that maintain close ties with the KFPS. Most of the Dutch members are affiliated with breeding associations that organize many activities every year, including their own regional breeders’ events and various 'study evenings'.


Яндекс цитирования КОНЕтоп Лошади и конный спорт